The Company

Strategic planning/diagnosis, consulting, advisory and training are our specialties.

We are a company specialized in providing presential training, diagnostics, consulting, and advisory services in maintenance and asset management for organizations based inside and outside of Brazil.

We offer services in Maintenance and Asset Management according to customer and applicable legal requirements, always mindful of risks that may affect their satisfaction and taking advantage of opportunities for process improvement.

Increase our clients’ profits through personalized consulting in Maintenance and Asset Management, creating lasting partnerships, and contributing to the development of the countries where we operate.

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Become a worldwide Reference for customized consulting in Maintenance and Asset Management and operate in the largest economies.

ícone mão segurando um olho

Simplicity, integrity and efficacy.

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Territories served

Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Colombia, Angola, Canada, China, Austria, Germany, Italy, and Spain.

Our History